Santa Monica Studio Rolls Out Patch for God of War Ragnarok, Balances Valhalla DLC Challenges

Craig Cortez


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In the latest update for the critically acclaimed title God of War Ragnarok, Santa Monica Studio has addressed numerous glitches with the highly anticipated Valhalla expansion, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The patch, noted for its improvement to gameplay and user interface stability, also fine-tunes the difficulty of the game, particularly making adjustments to the intensity of the first encounter with the character Tyr on the easiest level.

The Valhalla add-on offers gamers a range of difficulty options, starting from the most accessible 'Show Me Will' to the most demanding 'Show Me Mastery.' Within these levels, players face Tyr multiple times. Nonetheless, the initial confrontation on 'Show Me Will' has been considered overly challenging, prompting the developers to implement changes that lower the difficulty for a more balanced fight.

This update, identified as patch 05.03, not only makes the first battle against Tyr more manageable but also amps up the difficulty in selected challenge arenas. The game patch demands 376.2MB of storage, while the Valhalla-specific modifications require an additional 93.33 MB.

Those playing on the PS5 should ensure they have the latest versions of both the main game and the Valhalla expansion before diving back into the Norse-mythology-based adventure.

The patch resolves a myriad of issues, from cinematic audio synchronization problems and persistent visual effects to various glitches in combat scenarios. For instance, the developers corrected a problem where the game's progression could be exploited using the Spear against certain enemies and fixed a bug that left one armor piece inaccessible.

An array of stability improvements has been introduced as well, tackling game crashes related to language settings, memory overflow on the PlayStation 4, and more. The update eliminates unwelcome occurrences of Kratos falling through the world or out of the arena, along with texture streaming inconsistencies during transitions between arenas.

On the user interface front, the patch corrects timing messages in challenge trials, overlapping subtitles, and navigation assist errors, ensuring a more polished gaming experience. It also addresses various subtitle formatting concerns and user interface counters that were not updating correctly.

Santa Monica Studio has demonstrated continuous support for God of War Ragnarok with these thoughtful updates, ensuring that players have a smoother and more enjoyable journey through the depths of Valhalla and beyond.
