From Novice to Expert: A Guide through 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt'

Craig Cortez


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Incorporating endless adventure with an enthralling narrative, 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' makes for an immersive gaming experience. This richly textured game, replete with a vivid world to explore and deeply defined characters, places users into the shoes of Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster hunter known as 'the witcher.' With a steep learning curve and dense, multi-tiered missions, it's no surprise that some players find it intimidating. This guide ensures that you are led from novice to expert, unraveling each aspect of the game, providing strategies to adopt, and providing tips to take your play to unparalleled levels.

Understanding the Game Mechanics

1. Embracing the Intricate Dynamics

'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' beautifully unfolds with an ensemble of various dynamics intricately crafted into its gameplay. When you first enter this world as Geralt, the protagonist, it becomes imperative to get in sync with these elements to arouse the immersive potential the game inherently offers.

2. Navigating the Tutorial

As you dive into 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt', it starts with a richly detailed tutorial which guides you through every aspect of the game. It offers a fundamental understanding of game mechanics, an overview of the intricate elements, seen and unseen dichotomies, and a peek into Geralt's life and adventures that lie ahead. Ensure to grasp every detail to lay a strong foundation for your journey ahead.

3. Comprehending the Combat System

The Witcher 3

Among the various aspects touched upon in the tutorial, one crucial element is understanding the combat system. The battle mechanics of the game are highly detailed, rewarding tactical and strategic game-play. Geralt plays a witcher who excels in both swordplay and magic and understanding the balance between them becomes pivotal in defeating your foes.

4. Using 'Witcher Senses,' Alchemy, and Crafting

Apart from swordplay and combat, learning to use other tools at Geralt's disposal is equally vital. These include witcher senses, alchemy, and crafting. Witcher senses allow Geralt to track monsters and individuals, locate secret treasures, and detect interactive elements in the environment. Alchemy, on the other hand, offers potent elixirs, potions, bombs, and oils that can both heal Geralt and empower his attacks. Crafting enables you to create superior armor, weapons, and gear, providing strategic advantages in battles.

5. Managing Health Points, Crafting Materials, and Equipment

The tutorial also outlines how to manage Geralt's Health Points (HP), crafting materials, and equipment durability. Effectively maintaining these resources is a sign of a skilled player; the right management ensures longevity, preparing Geralt for the challenges that await in his journey.

Mastering the Combat

1. The Importance of Mastering Combat

The Witcher 3

Mastering combat is key to not just enduring but thriving in 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt'. Geralt, as a trained witcher, is a force to be reckoned with; his repertoire of skills and abilities make him a formidable combatant. However, it's up to the player to fully realize these abilities and apply them strategically during gameplay. Understanding, practicing, and ultimately mastering these skills is what will set an average player apart from a true Witcher.

2. Monitoring Health, Stamina, and Potions

Geralt's health, stamina, and potion usage need constant surveillance throughout the course of the game. A quick glance towards the screen's bottom-left quadrant will provide all this information. A sudden plunge in health must be quickly countered with potions or food; moderate stamina ensures you can sprint, dodge, or cast spells when required; and keeping track of potion usage aids in maintaining your arsenal for encounters that demand it.

3. The Art of Dodging

Next comes an art that Geralt must perfect – dodging. This defensive move is a vital part of the combat system. With well-timed dodges, you can evade enemy attacks while remaining within striking distance, allowing you to quickly counterattack. Keep practicing this move, as it's your key to maintaining fluidity in combat while minimizing damage.

4. Utilizing the 'Signs'

As a witcher, Geralt is trained in simple combat magic, the 'Signs.' Utilize these five 'Signs' – Aard, Igni, Yrden, Quen, and Axii – as they provide different opportunities for crowd control, defense, and offense. For instance, the 'Quen' sign provides a temporary shield, offering time to strategize, while 'Aard' can be used to stagger enemies, providing a window for attacks.

5. Striking & Dodging: The Dance of Combat

The Witcher 3

The duel of striking and dodging is like a dance where knowing the rhythm is instrumental in winning. Knowing when to attack your enemy and when to dodge their strikes requires a keen sense of timing and the enemy's behavior, a skill honed over time and experience. Remember, each encounter is a chance to improve your combat finesse, bringing you a step closer to becoming the perfect witcher.

Exploring the World Map

'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' boasts an expansive world map filled with secret locations, hidden treasures, and optional quests. As tempting as it might be to rush into the primary missions, take time to explore the environment. The game's world is designed to reward curiosity for the explorative gamer. Unearthing hidden spots may yield valuable resources that benefit your game progress, from boosting your statistics to providing essential equipment.

Venturing into Side Missions

Aside from the main quests, there are a plethora of side missions waiting to be unraveled, which add great depth to the narrative. While you may charge forward in the storyline, engaging with secondary quests can lead to numerous perks. They can offer vital resources, open up new storylines, reveal important information, or allow familiarization with new characters that can assist in your journey. Sidequests also provide a broader perspective on the game's universe and each character's unique professional, personal, and sometimes obscure life aspects.

Prioritizing Character Development

The Witcher 3

Progressing Geralt's character development is an essential cornerstone in 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt'. Allocate points intelligently in the character skill tree. Generally, it is smart to invest in a variety of skills across combat, signs, and alchemy to progress into a balanced character. However, you may choose to specialize depending on your gaming style. Also, don't underestimate the power of the 'mutagens'; they can offer robust abilities to Geralt, such as improved vitality or increased attack power.

Trading and Crafting

Within the game, the system of trading and crafting is a resourceful way to secure key equipment. It's essential to keep an eye on diagrams and crafting materials that could play vital roles in crafting some of the most potent weapons and armor in the game. Economically, try not to purchase items directly from vendors – crafting items are often cheaper and offer more customization. Take full advantage of the game's varied economy by selling items where they are most valued and buying where they are cheapest.


With the comprehensive nature of 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt', it's easy to understand why the game has proved to be one of the generation's most celebrated role-playing games. Transitioning from a novice to an expert will require commitment, curiosity, and eagerness to delve into the game's depths. Remember, the beauty of this game lies beyond the mere completion of quests; it encourages exploration, interaction, and immersion in its world. Embrace the journey, for in the world of the Witcher, the deeper you delve, the more captivating it becomes.
